Thursday, February 3, 2011

Different as Night and Day!

My 15yo son came home from school the other day with his results from the Plan Test. It's a sort of "pre-ACT" that gives high school students some test taking practice and predicts the range of their future scores on the real ACT.  He did well and was happy with his score and wanted to compare it to his sister's.  So I dug out the results from the test she took five years ago and we all had a good laugh at the results.  The result sheets lists their scores in each area...English, Math, Social Studies, Science... and then a composite score that combines them all.  Their composite score was almost identical.  But on her's, the individual scores were descending from English to Science, while his was ascending from English to Science.  Both of them were in the 99th percentile for the area of their top scores...her's in English and his in Science!

They also have to answer a bunch of questions when they take the test about different career paths and the answers are used to plot potential careers on a big circle. Of course, all of her suggested careers were on the left side of the circle and all of his were on the right side!

They have been total opposites all of their lives.  But they are each a blessing to me in their own ways.  And I pray that God will continue to show me the way to love them as individuals.  The same way that God shows me that he loves me in unique and personal ways, I want to show that same personal love to each of my grown-up bundles of joy!

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