So…this blog has been ignored and dormant for quite some time. Off and on, I’ve thought about writing, even had some pretty profound thoughts worthy of sharing. But I never really felt God leading me to take the time to do this. Until now. Until Greater.
We had our first conference call, with Pastor Steven encouraging us. He said that if we were at the point of desperation, despondence, despair and all those other “d” words, we were right where God wanted us….humbled, ready to move forward. He told us that living Greater does not always mean changing something or starting something new. Sometimes it means staying put and sticking it out with a new passion and God’s perspective. Melissa was on fire in her message to us, reminding us that the Jesus in me is the same Jesus who performed all those cool miracles…..the very same one who healed people and changed lives is in me! How awesome is that?!?! But again, not what inspired me to write.
The inspiration came Tuesday morning, when I saw all of the comments on Melissa’s blog. Woman after precious woman saying that she felt “adrift”, no purpose, at a cross-roads, going through transition….a husband who left, laid off from a job, children grown and left the nest, and not sure what to do next. It broke my heart. Call me naïve, call me Pollyanna, and yes, I do have my very own pair of rose-colored glasses. But I had no idea that so many women were walking in such defeat.
But sisters, it was oh so much more. The first several chapters are around understanding why we are chronically disorganized, why we have no time or ability to get our lives under control and how we need to set priorities. It was right there in Chapter 6 Establishing Priorities that God brought a new vision to my life that I didn’t even know I needed! Glynnis has five questions that she asks to set priorities, and she presented it in the context of being able to weed out non-priorities in your schedule to make more time for your priorities. But God used the exercise as a vehicle to establish a framework as I faced this transitional time in my life. It was eye-opening. Horizon-expanding. Inspiring. Humbling.
You can find more details on Glynnis’s five questions in her book, or on her blog by searching for the word “priorities” in her archives. Check out the Oct. 10, 2012 and Jan. 13, 2012 posts (I’m not techy enough to figure out how to link directly to the posts!) But if you are one of those women who is stuck in one of the “d’s” and craving for God to do Greater things with you, ask yourself these questions and see if they don’t help set you in the right direction:
- What can only I do?
- What has God entrusted to me?
- Am I a good steward of what I already have?
- What passion has God put in my heart?
- What has God asked me to do that I haven’t done yet?
God does have Greater plans for us than we ever could dream for ourselves. But just having a head knowledge or even a heart knowledge of that only leads to frustration. We know there is something better out there but we don’t know what it is or how to get to it. The five questions gave me the clarity of a framework…a direction to head. The Greater life that God laid out for me includes more time spent on my relationship with my husband, taking better care of the resources He has given me and moving from old areas of ministry to new ones. The following OBS of Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst gave me the confidence to fully trust that God has prepared this path for me in advance and uniquely equipped me to walk in it. And I’m praying that Greater gives me the courage to be obedient to the vision that God gave me. The one He gave when I didn’t even know I needed one. Amazing. Grace.
If you are facing a cross-roads or a transition and think that kind of framework would help you, leave a comment and I will give away a copy of I Used to Be So Organized to one commenter!
I am one of the women seeking out my direction and I really appreciated this post and book suggestion. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI have this book on my list to read, but haven't gotten to it yet. I really appreciate you stating the 5 questions to determine the framework . . .I'm at a crossroads with some politics with my son's school that I'm trusting God will lead me to the right decision on, so those questions will greatly help!!
ReplyDeleteI am definitely at a crossroads in life - trying to figure out who I am and where I am supposed to go. Greater has been such a blessing so far!
ReplyDeleteTracy! You won the drawing for the copy of I Used to Be So Organized! Email me at so we can work out the details of getting it to you!
Delete"Woman after precious woman saying that she felt “adrift”, no purpose, at a cross-roads, going through transition….a husband who left, laid off from a job, children grown and left the nest, and not sure what to do next. It broke my heart."...Broke my heart as well.
ReplyDeleteGod does NOT want us to life a life defeated! SO, excited that during this study we will hear stories of how God is working in the lives of all these precious women.
Glad we are on this journey together~b
I loved reading this blog! Thank you for sharing your story!
ReplyDeleteBlessings and love,
Kristen (OBS group leader)
Hey Christa! Great post! Thank you for sharing! It also hurts my heart to see so many women feeling defeated in life. I love what you recommend about praying for God to show you where you need to spend more time and less. Very good advice.
ReplyDeleteLove to you, Sue (OBS group leader)
Thanks for the post. I am at a crossroad and because of this Bible Study Greater , I have begun an exciting journey.