I have a confession to make. I am struggling mightily with obedience. If you look back in my blog, you'll see that I lost almost 100 pounds by focusing on obedience instead of dieting. It was an awesome, life-changing time. But for the last four months, I have struggled. And I have to say it out loud...I've gained back over 10 pounds since July! I've been great at exercising but I have not been able to get my eating squared away again.
It's not because God has abandoned me in this journey. Oh no. He has been speaking to me loud and clear. But I have been purposely and willfully ignoring him. I say every day that this is the day that I am going to get it right. And then my morning gets stressful. My sweet tooth kicks in. There is work on my desk that I want to avoid. So off to the candy jar I go. Again.
And speaking of work, that's another place that where I'm struggling. I have been given a tremendous opportunity to lead a large team on a challenging, interesting project. But I have trouble staying motivated and tend to waste a lot of time. Then I rush to make a deadline, putting out work that is not the best it could be.
So what's the deal? Why can't I be obedient to what I know I am supposed to do?? I found a key in Greater by Steven Furtick this week.
At the end of Chapter 2, he said, "...obedience to God's voice is the only definitive path to greater." He was setting us up to start learning from Elisha in Chapter 3. When we meet Elisha in 1Kings 19, he's busy plowing his field, doing his work when Elijah comes along, puts the cloak of his calling on Elisha's shoulders and invites him into the greatest adventure of his life. Elisha was not doing anything cool or exciting. He was doing the same work that he did everyday. And Pastor Furtick says:
Doing the same stuff over and over again is a good thing in many instances. Routine is a vital and biblical component of our relationship with God. It's also the key to maintaining a marriage, holding down a job, staying in shape, and achieving many other desirable goals. That's not the kind of repetition we need to be rescued from - it's the kind of discipline we should embrace.

Proverbs has a lot to say about discipline.
The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him, the cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly. Prov. 5:22-23 (NIV)
God has put me in a position to do great things. I have been able to use my weight loss journey to inspire and minister to others. At work, I'm an example of how you can get ahead using Biblical principles of leadership, without clawing and back-stabbing and stepping on people. But if I lack discipline, my accomplishments will die. My witness will die. My dreams will die.
What if Elisha had not been disciplined? What if he had been off surfing the internet, or making his second Starbucks run of the day when Elijah came looking for him? He may have missed out on his calling. Discipline puts me in the place I need to be to hear from God.
But HOW?? How do I live a disciplined life? Well, Paul has the answer to that one.
For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do - this I keep on doing...What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ our Lord! Rom. 7:19, 24-25 (NIV)
Through Jesus. Jesus in Me. That's the only way that I'll step away from the M&M jar and knock things off my to-do list and be obedient to what He's called me to do. Being disciplined is Greater living for me. I find it funny that in a book all about breaking out of the routine and living a Greater life, the lesson I learned is about being disciplined and staying in my routine. God just cracks me up sometimes!
Love this Christa! I have been impacted by the word "obedience" in this study also. (and in Unglued) I'm also having a difficult time with "discipline" and "balance." Thank you for the inspiration and motivation this morning. Powerful words and thoughts!
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love God's sense of humor? I am so enjoying reading what you have to say and the verses just spoke so much to me today. I feel God smacking me over the head today as I am reading. Prayer sent for your continued discipline.
OBS Group Leader
Really enjoyed reading your post! Thanks for your thoughts!
ReplyDeleteGod bless
I love this, Christa! Thank you for being personal with us and sharing your struggles as well as God's plan of action. I also have issues with the "D" word! :) God is speaking to me so much already through this study and we're only on Chapter 4! Praying for you this morning, our fearless small group leader :)
ReplyDeleteFearless? Definitely not! I love our small group...you guys challenge me to examine my heart every day.
DeleteChrista love this. Love your speaking from the heart lady. I have struggles too with food, running to it instead of Him. I'm doing better thru these studies and praying I can do Greater. You and God just showed me I have some work to do, that that food need to be thrown down. It's a net and I need to run to Jesus. It is also a plow that needs to be burned. I know that and I want that. So glad you shared and let's do this together. I am close to 30 pounds off this year, but been slipping lately - especially yesterday. Thanks girl. Love you. Debbie W. (OBS Leader)
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely we can do this together! I am going to hold you to that!
DeleteA couple of years ago I had my weight way down, too much to please my doctor. He was concerned that I had a problem since I lost the weight fairly quickly and wasn't really trying. Well, I started eating more to put on a few pounds. It hasn't stopped. Now I'm up 40 pounds and I'm miserable. I feel totally undisciplined and unhealthy. I'm asking God for help, but I haven't been doing my part.
DeleteThanks for your post Christa... your point of view makes me pause and rethink things. I have to find some discipline myself right now to take care of my own health. Food being one of the problems! Thank you for posting! Mary B.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your heart with us! I struggle with obedience and discipline as well! If you would not mind, may I ask you about your weight loss journey? I need to lose between 50-60 pounds and I struggle with getting started. You can e-mail me at kristen_lee_68@yahoo.com or message me on Facebook if you would rather explain there than on here! Such an inspiration! Will be praying for you!
ReplyDeleteLove and Blessings,
Kristen (OBS Group leader)
Kristen, I am happy to share about the journey. I blogged off and on during most of it, so if you go back through my blog archives, you can read what I was writing as I went through it. All of the posts related to weight loss are tagged with the label "obey" so clicking on that at the end of this post should show all of them. I also have a youtube video of a testimony I gave at a women's event at my church. I'll have to go look up that link and post it as well. Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteOr maybe your heart isn't in it cause God is trying to make you realize the something that seems is important and special isn't for you?? Maybe something else is in store and some of the disobedience is struggling with a dicontent that...you can't put your finger on...yet?
ReplyDeleteHmmmm.....Anne, interesting perspective. I shall have to ponder and pray. Thanks.
DeleteThank you for sharing Christa! I have that same problem with "discipline!" Or maybe "obedience." And I can feel myself resisting right now just a little bit. These studies have been so wonderful and I love seeing you girls hearts!
Deletewow.. loved loved reading this. Christa thank you for sharing your heart.. ugh. i have hard time with the discipline thing to! thank you for reminding me of it!!
ReplyDeleteThis was a very insightful post. I liked when you said "Discipline puts me in the place I need to be to hear from God." Wishing you well as we move forward in this OBS!